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Senin, 16 Januari 2012

ADELE - Someone Like You Lyric

I heard that you're settled downThat you found a girl and you're married nowI heard that your dreams came trueGuess she gave you things I didn't give to youOld friend, why are you so shy?Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the lightI hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvitedBut I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight itI had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be remindedThat for me, it isn't overNever mind, I'll find someone like youI wish nothing but the best for you, tooDon't forget me, I begged, I remember you saidSometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts insteadSometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts insteadYou know how the time fliesOnly yesterday was the time of our livesWe were born and raised in a summer hazeBound by the surprise of our glory daysI hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvitedBut I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight itI had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be remindedThat for me, it isn't over yetNever mind, I'll find someone like youI wish nothing but the best for you, tooDon't forget me, I begged, I remember you saidSometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead, yeahNothing compares, no worries or caresRegrets and mistakes, they're memories madeWho would have known how bittersweet this would taste?Never mind, I'll find someone like youI wish nothing but the best for youDon't forget me, I begged, I remember you saidSometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts insteadNever mind, I'll find someone like youI wish nothing but the best for you, tooDon't forget me, I begged, I remember you saidSometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts insteadSometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Hebat nya Cinta Part II

Pernahkan kamu merasakan, bahwa kamu mencintai seseorang
meski kamu tahu ia tak sendiri lagi?
Dan meski kamu tahu cintamu takkan berbalas,
tapi kamu tetap mencintainya?
Pernahkan kamu merasakan, bahwa kamu sanggup melakukan apa saja
demi seseorang yang kamu cintai meski kamu tahu, ia takkan pernah peduli? Ataupun ia peduli dan mengerti tapi ia tetap pergi?
Pernahkan kamu merasakan ebatnya Cinta?
tersenyum kala terluka, menangis kala bahagia,
bersedih kala bersama, tertawa kala berpisah?
Aku pernah tersenyum meski kuterluka,
karena kuyakin Allah tak menjadikannya untukku
Dan aku pernah menangis kala bahagia,
karena ku takut kebahagiaan cinta ini akan sirna begitu saja
Aku pernah bersedih kala bersamanya,
karena ku takut aku akan kehilangan dia suatu saat nanti
Dan aku juga pernah tertawa saat berpisah dengannya,
karena sekali lagi “cinta tak harus memiliki”
dan aku yakin Allah telah menyiapkan cinta yang lain untukku
Aku tetap bisa mencintainya, meski ia tak dapat kurengkuh dalam pelukanku,
karena memang cinta ada dalam jiwa, bukan dalam raga.***
Tahukah anda kalau orang yang kelihatan begitu tegar hatinya,
adalah orang yang sangat lemah dan butuh pertolongan?
Tahukah anda kalau orang yang menghabiskan waktunya untuk melindungi orang lain,
adalah justru orang yang sangat butuh seseorang untuk melindunginya?
Tahukah anda kalau tiga hal yang paling sulit untuk diungkapkan
adalah “aku cinta kamu”, “maafkan aku” dan “tolong aku” ?
Tahukah anda kalau orang yang suka berpakaian warna merah,
adalah orang yang lebih yakin kepada dirinya sendiri?
Tahukah anda kalau orang yang suka berpakaian kuning,
adalah orang yang menikmati kecantikannya sendiri?
Tahukah anda kalau orang yang suka berpakaian hitam,
adalah orang yang ingin tidak diperhatikan, butuh bantuan dan pengertian anda?
Tahukah anda kalau anda menolong seseorang,
pertolongan tersebut akan dikembalikan dua kali lipat?
Tahukah anda bahwa lebih mudah mengatakan perasaan anda dalam tulisan
dibandingkan mengatakan kepada seseorang secara langsung?
Tapi tahukah anda bahwa hal tsb akan lebih bernilai saat anda mengatakannya dihadapan orang tersebut?
Tahukah anda kalau anda memohon sesuatu dengan keyakinan,
keinginan anda tersebut pasti akan dikabulkan?
Tahukah anda bahwa anda bisa mewujudkan impian anda,
seperti jatuh cinta, menjadi kaya, selalu sehat?
Jika anda memintanya dengan keyakinan, dan jika anda benar-benar tahu,
anda akan terkejut dengan apa yang bisa anda lakukan.
Tapi jangan percaya semua yang saya katakan, sebelum anda mencobanya sendiri.
Jika anda tahu seseorang yang benar2 butuh sesuatu yg saya sebutkan diatas,
dan anda tahu anda bisa menolongnya, anda akan melihat bahwa pertolongan tersebut akan dikembalikan dua kali lipat.
Hari ini, bola persahabatan ada dilapangan anda, sampaikan ini kepada orang yang benar-benar menjadi sahabat anda (termasuk saya jika saya juga sahabat). Jangan merasa kecewa jika tidak ada seseorang yang mengirimkannya kembali kepada anda, anda akan mengetahui bahwa anda akan tetap menjaga bola persahabatan ini untuk yang lainnya.***

Hebatnya Cinta

Kata cinta yang begitu sederhana ternyata telah banyak sekali memakan korban.
Tidak memandang siapa pun dia..kedudukan,pangkat bahkan seorang tokoh sufi pun bisa termehek-mehek
oleh kata cinta....C I N T A...

'Amr Bin Salman Abu Hafaz al Naisaburi Al Haddad. yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Abu Hafaz..ia hidup dikurun waktu 200H.yang pada waktu itu ia bekerja sebagai seorang pandai besi dan selalu berpenampilan rapi, jauh banget dengan cara berpakainnya selayaknya para sufi...yang biasanya berpenampilan alakadarnya bahkan cenderung amat sangat sederhana sekalii..

Pada suatu hari Abu hafas ditegur oleh para sahabatnya, yang merasa ikut prihatin melihat perubahannya, yang sering duduk diam dan melamun.
"Assalaamu 'alaikum Abu Hafas!"
"Wa'alaikum salaam sahabat", jawab Abu Hafas datar.
"akhir-akhir ini saya lihat saudara AbU Hafas sering melamun dan gelisah.
Apa yang menyebabkan hal itu?" tanya sahabatnya.
Mendengar pertanyaan sahabatnya Abu Hafas hanya terdiam dan tertunduk .Namun pada akhirnya ia menjawab juga pertanyaan sahabatnya.
"Aku sebenarnya sedang jatuh cinta kepada seorang gadis yang bekrja sebagaii pelayan dirumah seberang itu. akan tetapi saya ragu, apakah dia mau jika aku memintanya untuk menjadi istriku?"
"Pikiran anda benar . Ia belim tentu mau apabila engkau melamarnya, Numun demikian banyak jalan yang menuju Roma," jawab sahabatnya
"Jalan bagaiman yang kamu maksud?", tanya Abu Hafas..
"Datanglah anda ke seorang dukun Yahudi dipinggir kota Nisyapur. Dengan kemampuannya, dukun itu bisa membuat gadis tersebut bertekut lutut pada anda dan pasti bersedia menikah dengan anda," saran sahabatanya

Mendengar saran itu, maka keesokan harinya berangkatlah..Abu Hafas mendatang rumah dukun Yahudi
sesampai dirumah dukuh Yahudi itu ,belum sempat dia memberi salam ,kedahuluan pertanyaan oleh sang dukun.
"Apa tujuanmu datang kemari!"
"Saya ingin minta bantuan anda dukun!" jawab Abu Hafas
"apa yang bisa saya bantu?" tanya sang dukun
Abu Hafaspun menceritakan semuanya.. bahwa dia sedang tergoda dan juth cinta pada aeorang gadis
yang bekerja sebagai seorang pelayan diseberang rumahnya, dan dia ingin memiliki juga menikahi gadis tersebut.namun dia ragu akankah gadis itu meu menikah denganya..
"mengapa tidak bisa dan tidak mau?" tanya sang dukun
"karena saya sulit bertemu denganya, mengingat penjagaan rumah hartawan itu ketat sekali"
"apakah kamu mau meneriam persyaratanku jika aku mau menolongmu?"tanya sang dukun
"bersedia"'jawab Abu Hafas
"tinggalkan sholat selama 40 hr.Dengan cara bagaimana pun janganlah kau lakukan perbutan baik
dan jangan sekali-sekali mematuhi perintah Allah.Setelah kau patuhi dan kau lakukan semua itu maka sihirku akan segera terlaksana.maka keinginanmu pasti tercapai",ujar sang dukun

Selama 40 hari Abu hafas melakukan perinta sang dukun..tidak sholat,tidak perna ke masjid..namun betapa kecewanya ternyata keinginannya tidak terlaksana..
maka pergilah Abu Hafas ke dukun itu lagi dan bertanya.
"hai dukun kenapa keinginanku tidak kunjung tercapai ?"
"pasti ada perintahku yang kamu langgar,dan tanpa kamu sadari kamu tlah buat baik.karna aku yakin jika kamu gak melanggarnya past akan tercapai tidak mungkin gagal,"kata dukun tersebut
"Tak ada pelangaran yang kulakukan. satu-satunya kebajikan yang kulakukan adalah menyepak batu agar tidak ada orang yang tersandung karenanya",kata Abu Hafas
mendengar itupun sang dukun Yahudi pun tersenyum. dan segera menyuruh Abu Hafas pulang sambil berkata " Janganlah engkau menjengkelkan Allah yang perintah-perintahNya hendak kamu engkau langgar 40 hari.Tahukah kamu dia tidak menyia-nyiakan kebajikan kecil yang kamu lakukan.Pulanglah,renungkanlah ini!'

Bak tamparan saja perkataan sang dukun bagainya, dengan rasa malu yang tak terhingga,ternyata cinta membutakan segala rasa ,hati ,jiwa dan imannya, bahkan kecintaan Allah atasnya pun berani ditukar dengan nafsu amaranya..
sejak saat itu Abu Hafas bertobat dan memohon ampun dengan sangat kepada Pemiliknya
dia serahkan semua cinta,hidupnya kejalan Pencintanya...

banyak yang kita pelajari disini..aku,kamu,dia dan mereka begitu mudahnya terjebak dengan kata cinta
sementara kita lupa pada Pemilik cinta yang sebenarnya...semoga dapat menjadi pembelajarn buat kita semua....Amiin...

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 Full + Crack

Kumpulan Software Gratis | Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 Full + Crack| Already familiar with Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 Full + Crack this? Yes, Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 Full + Crack is one of the software that you can count on in the affairs of burning CD / DVD. Starting from the BurningVideo, Audio, and Data. Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 + Crack also you can use to design a box cover or CD / DVD you are. Complete it?
Ashampoo Burning Studio adapts to new technology to always meet your needs. Therefore it does not only include the all-time popular features for all your burning tasks, but also provides ideal solutions for smartphones, social networks, cloud services and modern multi-core processors.

When speed is concerned Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 is well ahead. With its new multi-core support Pls Preparing the video contents, you can Achieve higher speeds for burning far quicker results.
The new Compact Mode with its modern and elegant design is always available on the desktop and includes the most Important functions for anyone Who Wants to Quickly burn data.

Nowadays, We Are Able to access our data anywhere via social networks and cloud or other online services. Had this development also has influence on the latest features of the program. Now you have access to your contents from online resources, Such as Facebook, Flickr, Picasa or Dropbox.

With the new file dialog selecting and adding media has Become incredibly comfortable. Through just one interface you can access all available resources, internal (eg hard disc drives) as well as external (eg digital cameras) or online (eg Flickr). Selected files can be viewed using the integrated preview and be added to your project.
Slideshows of your Flickr photos, audio CDs, Blu-ray Discs with HD videos, video CDs or backup discs are only A Few of numerous ideas how you can use your Ashampoo Burning Studio.

From the easy to use program interface to the Compact Mode, Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 is very user friendly and intuitive even new users so That Their projects can start instantly.
Operating System:
Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows®7
As a user of Windows® XP, Windows Vista® and Windows®7 you have to be logged in with full administration rights.

Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed, graphic adapter min.resolution 800 x 600 with 1 MB memory and 16-bit High color, CD/DVD/BD-Writer.
Recommended for burning Video Discs and Slideshow Discs: DirectX 9 capable GPU with hardware pixel shader v2.0, min.resolution 1024 x 768 with 128 MB graphics memory and 32-bit (True color) display.

1200 MHz (or higher) x86/X64 CPU, 3000 MHz recommended for burning Video Discs and Slideshow Discs.
RAM and disk space:
1024 MB RAM (2 GB for Blu-ray Video),
Hard Disk Space 380 MB, additional space for image and temporary files (5 GB recommended, 50-100 GB for Blu-ray Video).
Recommended for best performance: 2 GB RAM or more.

Windows Media Player 9 or higher recommended, DirectX 9.0c required for GPU acceleration.
Required to use LightScribe:
LightScribe System Software and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

During installation, remove checlist AutoUpdatenya.
Password : www.dytoshare.us

Need For Speed The RUN (Repack) Full + Fix Crack

Kumpulan Software Gratis | Need For Speed The RUN (Repack) Full + Fix Crack | In November, the gamers paradise indeed, the article of many new games this month one of them releases Need For Speed​​: The RUN this. Need For Speed​​: The RUN is one of the racing game that is very popular because in addition to an easy to play but still have the challenge and thrill of its own. Moreover, NFS The RUN has more stunning graphics than previous versions. Want to try?
NFS: The Run was Officially acknowledged a week ago, Pls EA Confirmed That it's going to be an all-new release in its long-running series, the which Will mark a comeback for story-based gameplay in the franchise, after 2008's NFS Undercover.

Speaking with investors last week, EA Games Label President Frank Gibeau Confirmed That The Run is running on the new Frostbite 2 engine and That Will it deliver a great experience to all racing fans.
"Our second blockbuster in Need for Speed ​​The Run was Announced last week with a trailer Revealed That another spectacular game in this franchise Recognized globally," Gibeau said.

"Developed by the Black Box team in Vancouver and built on a proprietary game engine, Frostbite 2, Need for Speed ​​The Run offers an edgier experience That takes players on an action-packed high-stakes race from San Francisco to New York."
EA has rekindled its Need for Speed ​​franchise in the last Few years by releasing titles like Hot Pursuit, from Criterion Games, or Shift 1 and Shift 2: Unleashed, from Slightly Mad Studios.

Now, the racing series is once again heading back to the Black Box, the studio That developed almost all the NFS games from 2003's Undercover Underground and until, in 2008.

When it Officially Revealed the game, EA said that, "Entering the race is just the beginning as you blow across borders, weave through dense urban traffic, rocket down icy mountain passes and navigate narrow canyons at breakneck speeds. Powered by DICE's state-of -the-art Frostbite 2 engine, Need for Speed ​​The Run takes the action racing genre to new heights with stunning visuals and car physics That hug the road even at top speeds all built around a gripping storyline. "

Need for Speed​​: The Run is heading to platforms like the PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or 3DS on November 15, in North America, and November 18, in Europe.

After you're done seeing if your computer can handle the new NFS game, check out the glorious On The Edge trailer below, as well as the screenshots from the footage, depicting two beautiful supercars, the McLaren MP4-12C and the Pagani Huayra, racing on the Million Dollar Highway.
Need for Speed: The Run is out on November 15, in North America, and November 18, in Europe, for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as well as the Nintendo Wii and 3DS.
Minimum System Requirements (PC)

OS: Windows Vista SP2 32-bit
DirectX: DirectX 10
CPU: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD equal
Memory: 3 GB
HDD: 18 GB
Graphics (AMD): 512 MB ​​RAM ATI Radeon 4870 or better
Graphics (NVIDIA): 512 MB ​​RAM NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT or better
Sound: DirectX compatible
Input: Keyboard, Gamepad or Wheel
Online: 512 KBPS Internet connection or better
Recommended System Requirements (PC)

OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
DirectX: DirectX 11
CPU: 3.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad or AMD equal
Memory: 4 GB
HDD: 18 GB
Graphics (AMD): 1024 MB RAM ATI Radeon 6950
Graphics (NVIDIA): 1024 MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX560
Sound: DirectX compatible
Input: Keyboard, Gamepad or Wheel
Online: 512 KBPS Internet connection or better

How to Install:

Download all the part (Part 24) - Combine with HJSplit - Extract with PowerISO Then
Run 'Setup.exe' - Wait until the installation process is complete
(The process is about 4 Hours)
Copy 2 Crack into Installation Folder The RUN NFS.
This is due to crack the NFS Repacknya detected a virus, so it probably can be deleted using Crack Fix wrote.

Password : www.dytoshare.us

XPOS - Xpress Point Of Sale 1.5 Full + Keygen

Kumpulan Software Gratis | XPOS - Xpress Point Of Sale 1.5 Full +Keygen | Has anybody ever heard XPOS? Maybe some already knows. For those who do not know, XPOS or POS Xpress 1.5 Enterprise Edition Full +Keygen This is a software counter. Where with this XPOS you can make cash register data from the stock of goods, prices of goods, and matters relating to the other cashier. Suitable for those of you who want to have a business that requires software checkout.
Xpress Point Of Sale is an application to handle data processing of purchase transactions (Purchases), retail sales transactions (retails), the transaction debt (liabilities), purchase return transactions (purchase returns), and transaction reporting (reporting) that are generally needed in making important strategic decisions by entrepreneurs retail stores.

Applications can be used by more than one user where each user (users) have different access rights so that data privacy can be guaranteed according to their level / levels of users.
Applications can be used by more than one computer simultaneously. This is very helpful if the number of transaction very much or Owner wants to access applications from different computers in another room.

XPOS application has support for the use of barcode scanners for easy penginputan item at the time of the sale.

If your computer is exposed to the virusor faulty hardware so it needs toreinstallthen we will give a new license without re-worn again the registerfee.
There is already the newest version XPOS 2.1, but because there is no valid keygen so I share that version 1.5 first. But for those who want to try XPOS 2.1 please download below. But I suggest to install XPOS 1.5 Full Version first and then superimposed with XPOS 2.1. Later will look like 2.1 even though version 1.5 is written there 

Want to buy from Official Site on here
Password : www.dytoshare.us 

Download XPOS - Xpress Point Of Sale 1.5 Full + Keygen 
Download XPOS - Xpress Point Of Sale 2.1